Lent in Plain Sight, Chris Taylor Introduction

How was your first week of reading our Lenten devotion, Lent in Plain Sight? Today’s selection has challenged me to look at everything as bread from heaven. A gift from God. Pastor Kennedy has certainly been a blessing to us this month (as well as each of the other guest preachers). In Sunday School yesterday, we commented that we thought Pastor Kennedy’s sermon was meant for each of us personally. God blesses us in so many ways. I am taking Rev. Jill Duffield’s challenge from the book and looking at everything today as a gift from Him. Do you have any insights you can share from the first week’s readings?

Here is a short introduction video from our next guest preacher, Christopher Taylor, who will spend five weeks with us (March thru Easter). Christopher shares a little bit about himself here and offers suggestions for enriching our devotional time reading Lent in Plain Sight. As I mentioned to some of you previously, he will be using this book as a framework for his sermons with us.

If you do not have a copy of Lent in Plain Sight. There are a few copies still available at the church. Call Terry at 412-366-1338 if you’d like to pick one up. If you prefer an electronic version, you can order it here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADuffield%2C+Jill+J.&_encoding=UTF8&ref=rdr_kindle_ext_aut

If you have any questions regarding Lent in Plain Sight or need help obtaining a copy,  please contact me.

Have a great week.
Elder Liaison, Worship Team