Holy Week at Heritage

Edit: Here is the link to the Maundy Thursday Video Devotions and the Good Friday Reflections.

Palm Sunday (March 28 – 10 am): Palms will be available for pick up outside the church before Palm Sunday for those worshiping remotely.

Maundy Thursday & Good Friday: Our Prayer Vigil begins at 8 am on Thursday (details below – here is the link to sign up). Christopher Taylor, our current guest preacher, will provide pre-recorded video messages that you will be able to view on this website or via our social media.

Easter Sunday (April 4 – 10 am): Celebrate the Resurrection with Heritage
Church in-person and via live-stream.

Heritage Holy Week Prayer Vigil
Join us for a 15-hour Prayer Vigil on
Maundy Thursday (8am to 8pm)

& Good Friday (noon to 3pm).

In lieu of in-person worship on Maunday Thursday and Good Friday, Heritage will be conducting a 15-hour Prayer Vigil in which everyone can participate. Did you know that the first Prayer Vigil is recorded in Acts 1:14? When Jesus ascended to Heaven, the people of God prayed as they awaited the Holy Spirit and the changes that would be brought into their lives. Our world, our country, our neighborhood and our church face many changes as we continue through a pandemic. Losses, celebrations, and thoughts of the future are on hearts and minds. We will end Lent and look forward to the Good News of Easter with a concentrated time of community prayer.

• How did we select these days/hours? Since we cannot all safely meet together just yet, prayer is a way that we can engage our community in a spiritually meaningful way to observe the final days of Lent.

Maundy Thursday recalls Jesus’ last meal, His arrest and imprisonment. Maundy is derived from the Latin word for “command,” and refers to Jesus’ commandment to the disciples to “Love one another as I have loved you.” Our Prayer Vigil will last for 12 hours on Thursday from 8am to 8pm.

Good Friday is a somber observance commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. It is not a day of celebration, but a day of mourning, both for the death of Jesus and for the sins of a world that his death represents. We call it “Good” because of what Christ has done for us. It is a day of prayer and reflection. We continue our Prayer Vigil for three more hours on Friday between noon and 3pm inspired by Matthew 27:45 “From noon on, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.”

Our prayer guide (which participants will receive via email) is shaped by the themes of both days reflecting on what Christ has done for us with gratitude and praise and by loving and serving others through their prayer requests.

• How do I participate? Select a one-hour time slot from our electronic sign-up sheet or email Terry in the church office with your name, time selected, and preferred email. The link to our electronic sign up Sheet is available at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d49adaf23a4fe3-holy.

• How to Pray for an Hour? We will help you get started by providing you by email with a prayer guide including a list of gathered prayer requests.

Where to pray? Pray in place, at the park, at church, or any other space that inspires you. This enables all our Heritage family whether quarantining or vaccinated to participate.

• Can I pray with someone else? Absolutely. Pray in solitude. Pray with another in your household or quarantine bubble. Pray with your spouse and children. Use technology to connect with a prayer partner (phone, Facetime, etc.) See who else has signed up for your prayer time and make arrangements to pray with them if possible or feel encouraged just knowing someone is praying separately but with you.

• Can I submit prayer requests to be included in the Prayer Vigil? Yes. Forward your prayer requests to Terry in the church office by Palm Sunday (March 28).